FIFTEEN POSTCARDS ON AUDIBLE Amazon, Audio Books, Launch, Reviews, AudibleKirsten McKenzie22 July 2020audio book, PODIUM AUDIO, recording, commuting, quarantine, isolation, lockdown, narrator, series, time travel, New Zealand, AuthorComment
CRIME WRITERS RAISE FUNDS FOR THE NHS WITH NEW ANTHOLOGY Amazon, Publishing, WritingKirsten McKenzie29 May 2020Anthology, Thriller, Crime Writing, Northern Crime Syndicate, Noir At The Bar, Newcastle Noir, New Zealand, Author, fundraising, NHSComment
MURDER IN THE LIBRARY Author EventsKirsten McKenzie22 March 2018murder, library, auckland, ngaio marsh awards, new lynn, murder in the library, New Zealand, book council, auckland libraries, cluedoComment
NZ BOOK FESTIVAL 2017 Kirsten McKenzie14 November 2017Book Fair, Book Festival, Auckland, Authors, Publishing, Community, New Zealand Comments
WHEN YOUR INTERVIEW INCLUDES QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR UNDERWEAR... Writing, Work, AlcoholKirsten McKenzie15 October 2016Interview, Author, Underwear, Coffee, Bookshop, New ZealandComment
What Does Being A Full Time Author Mean? Kirsten McKenzie23 February 2016Blog, Marketing, Competition, New Zealand, India, Writing, GoodreadsComment
THE HAND OF PUBLISHING FATE Kirsten McKenzie16 February 2016Father, Author, New Zealand, Antiques, Customs OfficerComment