Setting Your Scene - How Much Research is Enough? Writing, ResearchKirsten McKenzie12 April 2016Historical Fiction, Antiques, Tom Williams, Military, LondonComment
WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW? Kirsten McKenzie16 February 2016Charles Dickens, Curiosity Shop, Antiques, Grandfather Comment
WHO WAS I KIDDING, THINKING MYSELF AN EXPERT? Writing, Research, Publishing, Editing, AntiquesKirsten McKenzie16 February 2016India, Antiques, Author, Expert, New Zealand Customs ServiceComment
THE HAND OF PUBLISHING FATE Kirsten McKenzie16 February 2016Father, Author, New Zealand, Antiques, Customs OfficerComment
WHAT TO DO WHEN A GUN IS POINTED AT YOUR HEAD Kirsten McKenzie16 February 2016Robbery, Police, Antiques, Dominion Road, Auckland, Author, Father, PistolComment