THE LATE TELEGRAM Launch, Publishing, Research, WritingKirsten McKenzie25 July 2019Telegram Home, Fifteen Postcards, The Last Letter, The Old Curiosity Shop, publishing, Amazon, Painted, doctor perry, Antique Alley, contractsComment
BEING PART OF THE AMAZING AUCKLAND ARTS FESTIVAL Antiques, Festival, AuthorKirsten McKenzie1 April 2017Auckland Arts Festival, White Night, Author, Live Readings, Event, Dominion Road, Antique Alley, Silver, Antique, AlcoholComment
HANDS UP WHO WANTS TO MEET ME? Author, Festival, Work, AntiquesKirsten McKenzie24 January 2017Antique Alley, Launch, Wellington, Auckland, Prize, Live, Arts FestivalComment
BLAME THE PARENTS - MY RESPONSE TO BEING SUCCESSFUL Author, Work, FestivalKirsten McKenzie7 November 2016NZ Book Festival, Authors, Marketing, Antique Fair, Antique Alley, Darian Smith, ChildhoodComment