I must have spent more hours yesterday trying to navigate how to use Audacity to record an audio book, than I did giving birth to two children. Yes, that’s quite descriptive, but better to use those words than the words I was using my study yesterday. Thank heavens for YouTube and for the brave souls who have gone before me.
It took hours trying to work out why my Samson Q2U microphone wouldn’t send my words to Audacity, before I realised it wasn’t user error. It was due to the macOS Catalina update meaning Audacity wouldn’t speak to my computer until I added a bit of code to my Terminal. If that just lost you, you’re in good company.
As I said, thank goodness for YouTube and the kind YouTubers who provide solutions.
I now have one chapter of The Ruination Of Art recorded. It hasn’t been mastered, or edited. I just have the raw file. What comes next will probably take a whole day to figure out, and I will be relying heavily on YouTube once again. The Audacity help pages appear to be written in some arcane programming language that I haven’t studied, so don’t bother looking for help there. Go straight to YouTube. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk!
I’ve loaded that raw file below for you to listen to…
And I would love your feedback - good, bad, positive, negative. Any feedback is welcome!
At this point, paying someone to record my audio books is looking very very appealing. I’ll keep you posted, and I will persevere, for now.